What would I tell myself (15 months later).

Holy moly would you believe its been a whole 15 months since I last looked at, or opened this blog. Not to make excuses (lol), but I guess life has been pretty hectic.. I've been busy just doing my thing and unintentionally abandoned my wee corner of the internet in the process. You's can also... Continue Reading →


A few months ago, my church mum asked me to be a part of the worship team at a women's conference that was coming up. "Sure!" I said, knowing it was ages away. I can do that, I've loads of time to prepare! Well, long story short, myself and the rest of the team may or may... Continue Reading →

Why I love Christianity but hate Religion.

For all of my life, I've grown up in a relatively segregated society. You see Northern Ireland is a country like no other. Our history means that the majority of people here regard themselves as either Protestant or Catholic. The two denominations remain relatively separate- majority of schools here are segregated, places of worship are separate,... Continue Reading →

Who am I??// 50 facts about me!

So I guess we're 4 posts in, and I should probably introduce myself now. So Hi there, my name is Emma, and I'm a 20 year old, northern- irish, part- time coffee addict, full- time Jesus- lover and registered nurse to be. I've seen the '50 facts about me' tag floating around for a while now, so... Continue Reading →

Getting our priorities straight..

Hello lovely people! I've had a busy few days this week as I've returned to university after nearly 4 months on placement. Adjusting to a new routine, new lecturers, new classes and lots of travelling to and from university has meant that what free time I've had has been limited, and at times I've felt... Continue Reading →

15 Thoughts About Turning 20..

1) I'm officially a 'proper' adult now?!? Which I guess means I need to start doing 'proper' adult stuff more independently. I guess I'd need to learn to cook more dishes than just pasta and rice now, huh? 2)I'm now 2 decades old..and I'm so excited for the next decade- The last 10 years have... Continue Reading →

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